Video Advertising Advantages

thum_05 As stated previously we talked about the importance of utilizing video advertising but let’s get into the nitty-gritty as to why. First let’s start with some raw data; about one hundred million people watch internet videos every single day and the average viewer spends almost seventeen minutes watching advertisements a month. That may not seem like much but when one stops to consider that most ads are between thirty and ten seconds that gives that number some more perspective. So the potential for garnering new customers through the use of video marketing is important, and this is true even your ad doesn’t go viral and spread rapidly across the net.

According to dazeinfo simply presenting your product or service in a video format will increase your potential customers understanding by seventy-four percent. This is particularly true for consumers who are in the millennial age demographic on down who respond very well to information delivered in a quick, concise, and engaging manner. On top of that about eighty percent of viewers will remember said ad and almost half will take action after viewing it. furthermore, more seeing an ad in an online video format they are more likely to seek out information on the product, visit the ads company website, contact a representative, and best of all make a purchase.

One of the best places to take your new ad would be to places like youtube. Youtube is now the second highest ranked search engine in the world just behind Google and has top-notch search algorithms; plus best of all setting up a channel is free. Said videos can be placed on said channel and embedded and linked all over the web without having to set up your own server to host your advertisements. Of course if you’d like a more direct approach you could also advertise on other peoples videos directly. While this option costs money it is a great way for your firm to get noticed quickly. Fortunately youtube has already invested in developing advanced search analytics taking out half of the hard work you need to do to find the right type of videos to advertise on. Major, well-established firms like Apple and Dell already advertise on the popular video sharing site and youtube is helping new brands make their mark as well. To vindicate this youtube has published data demonstrating the rise in sales in what were a relatively obscure retail and toy company. And this style of advertising has had a ripple effect in other forms of social media. For example forty percent of the top shared instagram videos are from major brands. So if you want your next venture to take of let our video producers give you wings at Agency850.

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